Does this sound familiar?!

Kindergarten Writing feels overwhelming

You aren't sure where to start

or what to do 

There are a variety of levels

Some are focusing on letter formation while others are writing words

It's noisy

Constant Interruptions

Reluctant writers

If you are nodding your head to any of that then I would like to invite you to my

Dive into Writing Masterclass...


This will be a LIVE training on Sunday, October 9th at 1:00 PM CST.



During this one hour training, I will teach you how to navigate the world of writing with your Kindergarteners. 

During this training, you will learn:


✔️  Fine Motor Activities


✔️  How to get Ready to Write


✔️  Stages of Writing


✔️  Effective routines to use during your writing time


✔️  A scope and sequence for writing mini-lessons


✔️  How to help your students see themselves as writers

... and more!


Don't Miss Out - Register Now!

By the end of this training you will walk away with strategies, ideas, and activities to help your students hold a pencil and write!

Plus, stick around to the end for exclusive FREEBIES, a giveaway, and a PD Certificate!


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