Is your little one gearing up for the big leap into Kindergarten? 🎒✨ 

 Are you looking for ideas and activities to do this summer to get ready?


Prepare them for success with our exclusive Kindergarten Readiness Workshop - the ultimate guide to ensure a smooth and confident start to their academic journey!

 Kindergarten Readiness Workshop 


This will be a LIVE training offered on Thursday, March 27th at 6 PM CST



During this one hour workshop that is designed for both guardians and teachers, I will be sharing activities and ideas to make sure your little one will have a successful start to their Kindergarten Year! 

During this workshop, you will learn:


✔️  Strategies to enhance interactions and teamwork.


✔️ Engaging literacy & math activities


✔️  Techniques for fostering self-help skills


✔️  Activities to develop coordination and strength.


✔️  Insights into behavior expectations and group participation.

... and more!


Don't Miss Out - Register Now!

By the end of this training, you'll be well-prepared for kindergarten with enhanced social skills, literacy and math activities, and valuable take-home resources.

Get ready for the First Day of K, Yay!